Surgery is complete

William’s surgery, the Fontan, was a success. He did wonderfully well throughout and is recovering in the CVICU. We are at his bedside now and he is resting comfortably. He was just extubated and tolerated that well. He has two chest tubes and so far his drainage is minimal.

We are expected to remain in the CVICU for a few days before we move to progressive care. Once in progressive care, the biggest challenge will be to get him moving and walking. We may actually get him up tomorrow if he’ll tolerate it, but at the very least, we’ll take a wagon ride. Getting him moving is imperative to getting things flowing and moving the way they should.

We are anticipating a two week stay. He could be discharged sooner, but could be later. It’s all up to William and these pesky chest tubes.

We greatly appreciate all the prayers and encouragement along the way. Please keep them coming in the weeks to come throughout his recovery.


Ashley & Russell

7 thoughts on “Surgery is complete

  1. Stay strong! Heartbreaks to see him like this……yet my heart is full of joy for this little,brave, precious being. Speedy recovery for a full and healthy recovery. God bless him and the family.❤️👍🏻

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  2. Ashley, SO SO happy everything went well. I’ll keep sending prayers your way for those pesky tubes!


  3. William, you are truly a warrior and you have a HUGE troop of soldiers all pulling for your quick recovery. Hang in there little man (and Mom & Dad & Claire) YOU GOT THIS!


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