9 weeks post op (tomorrow)

Today we had a cardiology appointment for both William and Claire. William had a wonderful checkup and everything looked and sounded great! His cardiologist was very happy with where he is and William actually was quite pleasant and no tears (no testing today). As of last Thursday, we were officially off all chest restrictions, but today makes it more real having his cardiologist sign off and say not to come back for 2 months! We’ll take it!

Claire had a full checkup with EKG and echo. Her heart looks perfect and she never has to come back. Yay!

William has enjoyed this past week submerging in the tub and going swimming. He’s so much more active than before surgery and just an incredibly happy child. He loves dancing and overall just having a good time. He is just incredible and we love him dearly!

Below are a few pics over the past week.

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